Our Colombian Timber Investment Legacy Continues With The Launch of Colombian Timber VII!
After more than a year of lockdowns, personal despair, and international business closings, the world is ready for some good news and optimism in 2021. Here at Gutierrez Group, we are excited to announce the launch of the fourth crowdfunded phase of our hugely successful Colombian Timber project.
This opportunity is actually the tenth parcel of land we’ve acquired to plant with income-producing trees. We couldn’t offer the last three projects to our friends and clients because they were quickly snapped up and funded by single investors.
But now we have a brand-new project to share, with some exciting changes that we think you’ll find very enticing.

Colombian Timber VII Has Gone Nuts!
Our next Colombian Timber project expands the solid, eco-friendly forestry plan we established back in 2016 by planting three clones of fast-growing eucalyptus trees. These species will mature for biomass harvest and cash profits in seven to eight years just like our prior timber opportunities.

However, on this particular parcel of land, we will also be planting cashew trees that begin to produce viable cashews after only four years!
This means our Colombian Timber VII investors will not only realize net profits from a biomass harvest in approximately eight years, but they will also receive the benefit of cashew crop proceeds after four years of growth. Those proceeds will initially be used to reduce the remaining overall project expenses, then once the expenses are covered, the cashews will be harvested for a profit every year, for up to thirty years of production.
To maximize cashew profits, Colombian Timber VII includes three biomass harvests instead of the usual single harvest opportunity previously offered.

Trust Our Experienced Team to Protect Your Investment
As we enter our sixth year of timber projects in the Vichada region of Colombia, we are proud to report that we’ve created a solid team of experts in the forestry and logistics industries. In particular, our affiliation with InverBosques and GEO (Grupo Empresarial de la Orinoquia – a group of 12 forestry teams lead by Inverbosques) means we have the most experienced and respected forestry professionals helping us choose the best parcels of land and the best species of quick-growing trees and cashews that we know will thrive in this area. Together we will cultivate, plant, protect, and eventually harvest and ship these species for our investors’ greatest profit potential.
We have targeted Vichada, which is becoming one of Colombia’s most productive land areas, because of its potential and unique opportunity to:
• Support growth and development in the region.
• Reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and
• Increase energy security and sustainable economic development in Colombia and around the world.
While the environmental benefits are important, your projected income potential is breathtaking. Contact us for more details about this “Green Project”.

The Investment Opportunity in a Nutshell
We have purchased the parcel of land that is earmarked for Colombian Timber VII and now we are seeking investors to fund the cultivating, planting, and remaining project costs. Our new corporation, Colombian Timber VII S.A.S. offers each investor the opportunity to buy a minimum of 150 shares of the company stock for one million Colombian Pesos (COP) per share.
Your total minimum investment is one hundred fifty million COP. However, with 10,000 shares available, you are welcome to purchase more than the minimum number of shares while they last.
Since the US dollar to COP exchange rate changes daily, we are using an exchange rate of 3,500 COP to 1 US dollar for our projections. Your initial investment of 150,000,000 COP would therefore equal approximately US$42,857. We purposely set the minimum investment below US$45,000 to open this opportunity to more of our valued friends and clients.
**Bonus** The minimum investment amount also qualifies you for a three-year Colombian residency visa. If you would like to spend extra time in Colombia, or have a home here, we can also help you apply for a visa when you join us in this exciting investment opportunity.
Now For the Hard Numbers
Our CT VII Investor’s Projected Cashflow Schedule breaks down each year of this unique 25-year investment opportunity based upon a minimum investment beginning in 2021 (Year 0), as well as projected cashflows if you join this project in 2022 (Year 1) or 2023 (Year 2).
For a quick summary, when you invest one hundred fifty million COP in 2021, your projected gross receipts in 2046 will be more than 1.3 billion COP for a net profit of almost 1.16 billion COP. Again, assuming an exchange rate of 3,500 COP to the dollar, the projected COP numbers converted to US dollars are as follows:
Initial minimum investment in 2021 = $42, 857
Timber/cashew harvest payment in 2029 = $49,750
Timber/cashew harvest payment in 2037 = $65,934
Timber/cashew harvest payment in 2044 = $166,633
Cashew harvests in the years between timber harvests = varies
from approximately $1,800 to $17,000/year
Total Gross Profit in 2046 = $374,191
Total Net Profit in 2046 = $331,334*
*A projected 17% annual premium for those who stay invested until the end.
We would love to review the complete figures with you and answer any questions. Contact Felipe Gutierrez today to request supporting documents and ask anything.
*IMPORTANT* Because this is a longer-term project than we usually offer, we understand that some investors may need to liquidate or transfer their shares before the projected end of the investment. This project will include specific accommodations for these unforeseen situations making it easier to sell or transfer your shares and exit the investment before the end of the project.

More Than Just a Great Return on Your Investment, We are Also Improving the Environment
Our Colombian Timber projects hold a special place in our hearts, not only for the projected income potential, but also because we are improving our home country, employing local workers, contributing to worldwide timber and biomass needs, and bettering our overall environment through certification, Carbon Credit Bonds, and green planning.
We are proud to announce that we have received top certification from The Forest Stewardship Council. This industry-leading group sets the certification standards required to sell forestry products to worldwide premium markets. We now join a small number of producers that can offer certified timber to top markets that only accept certified timber products.
Also, since 2015 all of our tree farm projects have been certified by The Gold Standard for Premium Quality Carbon Credits. These international certifications hold the greatest prestige and recognition in terms of sustainability and the fight against climate change. Certification is not granted easily, but once received, we can sell these bonds on the local or international markets to create another source of additional income.
In an effort to protect native Colombians, no indigenous people have been displaced as a result of these projects and our actions meet the guidelines set forth by the Colombian authorities who regulate the purchase and sale of land. Also, our teammates have designed a logistics system that is safe and respectful to the environment.

Colombian Timber VII is an Outstanding Opportunity For You
If prolific cashew trees and multiple decades of production sounds good to you, this is your chance to be a part of a ground-breaking project scheduled to yield a net profit of more than US$330,000. And all you need to start is less than US$43,000.
Has this peek into CT VII piqued your curiosity about our exciting new opportunity? You probably have more questions. Please contact us if you would like to review the prospectus or other supporting documentation for complete project details. We have the information you need and can get you started in this unique and profitable project today.
At Gutierrez Group we are excited about our many opportunities coming in 2021. We hope you will join our family of clients, investors, and friends as we all succeed together. We are here to help however we can and we look forward to working together soon!